GIS • Development • Design • Drone
GIS Portfolio
GIS Project - Humanitarian Risk
For one of my final assignment projects I created a web mapping application, along with a few static maps to show a map of humanitarian risk within the Asia Pacific region. I used the open-source 2019 INFORM Risk Index, which measures countries risk through six sub-categories, within three main divisions.
This web app was also accepted into the 2020 ESRI UC Virtual Gallery.
General Cartographic Maps (2020)
During the ESRI Cartography MOOC, I made a number of maps using different cartographic principles. This helped me to explore different mapping techniques, within ArcGIS Pro and apply cartographic techniques. I expanded on the knowledge taught and went above on my own to create a range of maps. An example of one of the maps can be seen, to the right, using the 'sketch' symbology to give the map a more artistic look. All the maps can be found on my blog.
Cartography HTML, CSS Web map (2019​)
I created both a static map and web mapping application, created in Mapbox using HTML and CSS styling, showing basic GIS data. More on this project can be read on my blog post here.

E-Waste Story Map (2018​)
This story map I worked on with help from Dr. Hidenori Matsukami from The National Institute of Environmental Science, Japan (NIES) who had undertaken research on environmental and social impacts of electronic waste (e-waste). I wanted to present this issue in a way that was easy to read and interpret, in order to spread awareness on this global issue.

Sri Lankan Center for Urban Water
(January - April 2018​)
In early 2018, I worked on a project commissioned by the Sri Lankan Center for Urban Water to create them a series of online web applications to display their flood simulation data. Throughout this project I undertook high level analysis of big data GIS layers, which were then transformed and uploaded to ArcGIS Online. From there, I created a series of technical web applications to showcase the data in unique, attractive ways so that the center could have a platform to present their simulations. During this project, I undertook a 5 day field trip to Sri Lanka and worked in the office, transfer my skills and knowledge to other staff and building on their web applications and interfaces. Please click the images to see the portals.

Online Story Map - Urban Poverty​
This story map I created to present the major global issue of urban poverty. Through this story map, it guides the user through the whole story of urban slums, their locations and ways to overcome these. This is my favourite story map as it presents a strong message, through a unique interactive platform. Take a look for yourself, click the link here to open in full screen or start scrolling below.
​Sri Lanka 2017 - Emergency Response Data Viewer
This web application was made during the May 2017 Sri Lankan floods, this application includes data from the Sri Lankan Disaster Management Center, crowd sourced photos from people on the ground, along with Satellite Imagery analysed but GIC.
​Uttarakhand, Built Up areas
Simple web application using the data for built up areas for the Uttarakhand State Project.
I don't own any of the data used for these applications, these were made in conjunction with several projects, please click and go to their websites for more information.